Holmfirth Junior Infant and Nursery School

Holmfirth Town Centre improvements - Traffic Updates

As you will know there are currently major improvements underway in the Town centre of Holmfirth.  A local resident, and business owner, was initially liaising with the council and their team to provide local residents with updates about planned works and where they will take place.  From 18/11/24 the Council have taken over this task - we will add these updates as soon as we receive them or find them on the Holmfirth Community Facebook page and add them to this page for those of you who do not connect to Facebook.

Kirklees Council Update 3 - February 2025

Holmfirth Town Centre Access Scheme Update February 2025

Below is an update on the Holmfirth Town Access Scheme from Kirklees Council Major Projects and being delivered by our contractor C.R. Reynolds.

Investigatory works are ongoing on Victoria Street/the bridge and on the river side of Towngate, with temporary traffic management in place.  This work has also required temporary closure of the Zebra crossing so please take every precaution for pedestrian safety.  These works are to establish the routes for control cabling related to the new signalised crossing and related traffic management which will improve traffic flow.  It is important to establish available space and make sure that no damage is done to the underlying structure of the bridge so please be patient!

Work will be starting soon in the Huddersfield Road car park on piling works – both for the Huddersfield Road car park structure itself and for the new bridge.  We will provide as much notice on dates and any road closure on Hollowgate as soon as possible.

Work has taken place on the pavements and kerbing on Huddersfield Road near to the entrance to Norridge Bottom.  I am aware that there has been some concern relating to levels/drainage here and we are investigating to ensure all issues are resolved.  Part of the issue is that the final road level will change and be regraded later in the scheme.

For the safety of everyone please drive carefully and continue to adhere to road traffic management, avoid parking in the yellow box at Victoria Street and please be mindful of pedestrians needing to cross while access to the zebra crossings is restricted.

Best wishes Cllr Jane Rylah and Cllr Moses Crook

Kirklees Council Update 2 - December 2024

Holmfirth Town Centre Access Scheme update Friday 20th December

The road work pause has been much welcomed by businesses and visitors to Holmfirth. Thank you to C. R. Reynolds for your cooperation.

Thanks also to everyone, including Kirklees officers, for getting the Council Offices car park changed from long to short stay, thereby encouraging visitors to shop in this part of the town. Removal of a large container from the Huddersfield Road car park has also been beneficial as adjacent businesses are now much more visible. Again, thanks to all involved in getting this change.

The work taking place on Towngate is due to OCU Group installing a new electric link box. This is outside the control of Kirklees council and the traffic lights will be removed by Monday 23rd December at the latest.

Road works will recommence on Victoria Street from Monday 6thJanuary 2025. The work will largely take place at the top of the junction and will involve York Stone flagging, and kerb/footpath renewals.

On Hollowgate from 6th January 2025 there will be some directional priority traffic management, but no traffic lights and no road closures.

Hollowgate will not have road closures until March at the earliest, but we will update you as soon as we have more accurate information.

Best wishes for a happy festive season and a peaceful new year

Cllr Jane Rylah and Cllr Moses Crook

Kirklees Council Update 1 - 18/11/24

  • “Week commencing the *18/11/24 works will be permitted to resume in the main Car Park, whilst other works and traffic management will cease until January 2025. This will allow for additional on street parking and access during the busy Christmas period. (*correction by Construction Company to read 25/11/24)
  •  Works will commence outside the *library on the western approach to the traffic lights, this will include kerbing and footway works”

 *I think by “outside the library” Kirklees mean outside Peak Footwear and Kutchenhouse as work outside the Library has already been completed.



Kirklees Council has taken a recent decision that Councillors are going to take over these updates from now on.  This is to “reduce the need for additional meetings” and  “eliminate the risk of any crossed wires or misinterpretation regarding the information they supply”.

My last update to you is:

  1. Hooray for Kirklees Council, who have listened to concerns raised by Read, Fairtrader and Massage by Isobel, backed by Holmfirth Forward and Councillors, Jane Rylah, Damian Brook and Moses Crook.

The concern was about lack of short-term parking on the south side of Holmfirth.  As a result Kirklees Council has agreed to reintroduce short term parking in the Council Offices Car Park, hopefully from December 2nd!  This is great news for businesses and shoppers who have been struggling!  Isn’t it good to know that there are lots of people ready to listen to your concerns, and take action to  help?

Update from School (sent as an email to parents 4.11.24)

You may have noticed that the temporary traffic lights in the town centre have moved from the top end of Victoria St. They are now positioned by the zebra crossing opposite the Picture Bridge (entrance to the Picturedrome/Bluebird Bakery etc). This is likely to cause tailbacks from Dunford Rd and you may find that cars are blocking the turn off to Hollowgate/Rotcher Rd. These lights will be in situ for the rest of this week so it may be useful for you to consider a) walking to school (if possible) b) avoiding the centre of Holmfirth if you are travelling by car or c) allow more time for your journey in the morning and afternoon.


Week 17/72


A diesel tank was discovered during excavation of the car park.  It was not shown on the survey completed by the Council. When it was exposed the fumes from some 50 plus years were released causing the strong smell of diesel.  The fumes dissipated very quickly.  The tank contained no diesel.

Back in the day, when Baddley’s/Castle’s closed, the diesel tank was “decommissioned”.  The way a tank is decommissioned safely and correctly is to drain the tank and then fill  it with concrete. This is how the tank was found by Reynolds. There was no diesel “sloshing around” and “zero chance of any seepage”.

However, overtime, when the tank was in operation, minor diesel spillage around the tank had occurred, contaminating the surrounding ground.  This is normal throughout the general operation of a coach station/repair shop.  The ground had to be tested.  These results are still not back, but we know they will show diesel contamination - it is just how much. Until those tests are back the construction company cannot know how much ground is to be removed.  No work can continue until the samples are back and a strategy is decided. We do not know why the samples are taking so long.


Questions have been asked as to if this will delay the project.  I am told that every project has time built in for the unexpected.  No one will know until we reach the end of the project next year just what impact any issue will have on the overall project.


These can not be moved until this part of the work is complete.  They cannot be moved further apart for a couple of reasons, mainly that the construction work has to stay within a 50 metre stretch at a time.  The lights cannot be moved closer together as the work is going down the whole of Victoria St.  They are set at the maximum timing.

I have been assured that the Traffic Management Officer will keep a close eye on the traffic at peak times to help the flow wherever possible during this time.

I have been told categorically that the construction company cannot discuss the details of work (or delays) i.e. why the work at the top of the street is taking longer than expected.  Reynolds have been employed by the Council and cannot discuss their “client’s” business now or at anytime in the future.


There have been questions asked as to why the road is considerably higher than the new kerb outside Nellie’s Keepsake Co.  This is all as it should be for work in progress.  At the end of the project the road will be resurfaced and all will be at the correct height.


You may have noted that there were no workers on site this morning (4/11/24).  This is because they are changing shift for the next couple of days.  They will be working from mid afternoon up until midnight today and tomorrow.

Residents in the area have been informed and I have been assured that the noisy part of the work will be carried out earlier in the shift to avoid disturbance.

The reason for this is that the pavements on Victoria St are to be re shaped and recovered in tarmac.  No one will be working on Wednesday 6 Nov whilst the crew stands down ready to go back to day shifts on Thursday and Friday when they hope to finish up on Victoria St and move to the top junction. At this point the traffic lights will move back up to the top of Victoria St just below the yellow grid box.

All work on central roads of Holmfirth will finish on November 25th until January 6th as planned.  There will be no barriers or temporary traffic lights during this time.


Non Update Update!


Written by a resident and local business owner with no connection to the Council or Construction company

Work has not finished on the north side of Victoria St at the junction with Huddersfield Rd (by Cheese Shop and Nellies)  as planned and is now expected to continue until November 11th.

I have asked why this section has been so problematic but have not received an answer I can understand.

The results from the soil samples from the main work site - Piccolino’s/Dawson and Hall and Hobsons Florist Car Park have not come back as yet.  Whilst we are pretty certain they will show very minor diesel contamination the ground cannot be excavated until all results are in. I cannot find out why there is such a delay on this.

To help me - and therefore you, understand why everything seems to be taking longer than expected I am meeting with the team from Reynolds on Monday morning to get to the bottom of it all!  I will report back to you all as soon as I have the information.


KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS THREAD POSITIVE, there are many depending on carers/ deliveries and clear roads for health and well being negativity just increases their worry.


Written by a resident and local business owner with no connection to the Council or Construction company

For various reasons work on the north side of Victoria Street has been delayed by a week. Work is expected to continue on that side until 1st November.

On the 4th November, work will move over to the opposite side of Huddersfield Rd (Peak Footwear/Kutchenhaus/Reef & Co) for approx. 3 weeks.

REMOVAL OF ALL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT - NOVEMBER 27th There will be no temporary traffic lights/barriers etc… between 27/11/24 - 06/01/25.  This was arranged by the council to allow us to enjoy the Christmas season without traffic hold ups!  HOORAY! 

Please be sure to enjoy the Christmas lights and all the festivities your beautiful little town has to offer! Soon, you will see your local volunteers working hard putting lights up in time for the CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON -  23rd of NOVEMBER with circus activities, music and lots of entertainment. Come down and join in the fun!!

CLOSURE OF HOLLOWGATE WILL NOT BE UNTIL 2025 Businesses and shoppers will be delighted to know the Christmas Shopping period will not be hindered by this road closure!


Week 14/72

Written by a resident and local business owner with no connection to the Council or Construction company

  •  Work is nearly complete on the north corner of Victoria St. They aim to finish next Friday (25th Oct)
  1. On Monday 28th October work will move to the T-Junction of Huddersfield Rd outside the Kutchenhaus and Peak Footwear.
  2. DIESEL: You will have noticed that the Huddersfield Car Park/construction site has been cleared of all machines. This is due to the construction company discovering ground contaminated with diesel.  The site had to be cleared and the council environmental team was called in. 
  •  The Environmental team have taken samples and submitted them to an independent company for testing.  The results are due back next week.  If all is ok, work can continue.  If there is no timely resolution of the contaminated ground works on Hollowgate will be put back to next year.
  •  On the whole traffic is flowing well with little to no hold ups except for moderate delays at peak travelling times. On average this delay is between 10-18 minutes. I believe this is amazing considering the work being done!



All reusable stone taken from the demolition of the market hall is being reused within the project.

Kerbstones, flags and stonework have all been sourced and manufactured locally! 

A couple of people have asked about plans for seating on Victoria Street.  This is on the map (below) and is in the form of new (replacement) benches.  There will also be new bins and planters provided within the scheme.

The old benches were due to be scrapped BUT Reynold’s noticed they had dedications on the them and contacted the Parish Council.  They have now removed the benches and aim to place them back in the town so the memories of those named will live on! 

Point of note:

The liaison officer is Matt Jukes.  He is employed by Reynold’s the Construction company NOT the Council.  His job is to liaise with the general public, local businesses and the council.  He cannot alter speed limits on the roads, change car park charges or any other Highways/Council controlled issues.  The Construction company have been given plans approved by the council and have to work to those plans.  If you have complaints about these issues (or similar) Matt is happy to forward them on your behalf but he cannot action your complaint himself, nor can CR Reynolds.



Week 13/72

Work continues on track as detailed in my last update.   I am told that despite a few minor issues work continues pretty much on target.

TRAFFIC DELAYS: have been kept to a minimum and are mainly felt at peak rush hour times.  My understanding is that at peak times this is adding, on average,  approximately 10 minutes to your journey. Not as bad as feared and due to the unavoidable narrowing of Huddersfield Road to just one lane.

Please note this is an update regarding the major construction in the centre of Holmfirth, my posts do not include other works in other areas of the town i.e. temporary traffic lights up Dunford Rd.


The demolition phase is now almost completed and the construction phase can begin.  Both “big boy” machines left Holmfirth last week causing no traffic snarl ups as they were removed.  Piccolino’s car park is currently being “scraped back” in preparation for work to begin.


Repainting of No Entry Yellow Grid boxes and Zebra Crossings.  These will not be repainted under this scheme for two reasons 1. To close Holmfirth centre to repaint 5 central areas would cause chaos. 2.  The whole road will be recovered when all works are complete.  At that point the new Puffin crossings and all road markings will be renewed.  Sadly, this will be towards the end of the project and so some months away yet.

As it has not been incorporated in the grant for this project it is out of Reynolds’ hands.  I suggest those of you that are worried should write to express your concerns to:



Week 11/72 - 30.9.24

This is just to pick-up on/clarify some points raised following my last update:

  •  Some large vehicles (artics/large tractors) have found the slight narrowing of Huddersfield Rd heading out of Holmfirth in between Piccolinio’s Car Park and Country Gent Tattoo Studio very tight. (1. On image below) This is temporary. It will be resolved when the road is re-surfaced and the new central line is adjusted accordingly.  The kerb will also be less obtrusive when the rest of the pavement on that side of the road is completed. (This work will be carried out at the end of the project.) 
  • In the meantime congestion could be reduced if drivers heading towards the lights DO NOT STOP IN THE NO ENTRY YELLOW GRID BOX outside Country Gent.  If the grid is left unobstructed then large vehicles have room to navigate the protruding kerb.
  •  On the topic of No entry yellow grid boxes: Reynolds are “contracted to re-surface the roads and provide new lining including the no entry yellow grid boxes” throughout the centre.
  •  The zebra crossings are to be replaced with new signalised crossings and so will not be repainted before.
  •  There has been concern expressed that adjustments to the pavements around the junction Victoria St and Huddersfield Rd (2 on image below) will make the junction too narrow for large vehicles. I have spoken to the construction company who wish me to reassure you that:
  •  i) Adjustments to the pavement width are very small and the width of the road will actually be slightly wider when work is completed!
  •  Whilst the pavement from Charlie's bar to Piccolino’s car park is to be widened (by 400mm to give 1.2m width) , the pavement on the opposite side of the road (Peak Footware/Kutchenhaus/Reef & Co) will move back by approx the same amount. (The work on this section is estimated to take 2 weeks)
  •  ii) The kerb outside Charlie’s Bar will be rounded a little to give easier turning room.
  •  iii) The kerb from The Cheese Shop to Nellie’s Keepsakes will not increase in width. It will get new Yorkshire stone kerbs.  This work is estimated to take 3-4 weeks and has started now. 
  • There is a correction to my last update the third phase - widening the pavement from Charlie’s Bar to Piccolino’s Car Park will not happen at this stage but will be a lot later in the project.
  •  DELAYS: At 8.30 this morning traffic was flowing freely - however, yesterday the temporary traffic lights did cause some delays. The traffic management team are constantly watching and tweaking the timings (I’m told the lights are currently running at exactly the same timing sequence as the main lights were). However the narrowing of the road is unavoidable.

The construction company are doing everything they can to listen and respond to your concerns quickly and effectively.  I can’t fault them.

Please stay patient.  Holmfirth shops need your support now to survive through until the New Year!  “SHOP LOCAL OR BYE BYE LOCAL”

Give yourself extra time,  if you don’t want to look like a fool -

- don’t enter the no entry yellow grid boxes unless there is space for you at the other side of the box and -don’t go through the temporary lights on red - the timing sequence means you’ll be caught out and you’ll block the traffic 😳

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED GOOD GRACE, POSITIVITY AND SUPPORT THROUGHOUT THESE POSTS - you are doing a great job and it is very much appreciated! 🙏


GOOD NEWS: Reflection

 - Schools have re-opened with none of the feared traffic chaos - in fact - no problem at all from the Market Hall road works!

 - CR Reynolds went above and beyond to clear (and even sweep) Hollowgate in time for the Food Festival. They had to put everything back again on Monday.  Big shout out for them!

 - No traffic flow issues from the road works on Victoria Street.  I know there were some problems for deliveries and regarding taxis - but these issues were resolved as soon as Reynolds were made aware.

 - Despite the discovery of an unmapped gas pipe, and several cellars underground on the north side (Magic Rock) of Victoria St work continues on track, with just a couple of days delay.  Due to the latter, the proposed Disabled Parking bay and Delivery Bay will be delayed.

 - Foot fall in Holmfirth remains high - A MASSIVE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT FROM THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY!  It is vital to small businesses that you continue to support them over the Christmas period.  PLEASE SHOP LOCAL!

NEXT PHASE - This may cause traffic flow issues for the next few weeks!

  • On the 20th Sept work will pause on the north side of Victoria St and switch to the south side to tidy up that side. This should be completed by end of Friday and road cleared of cones etc…
  • On the 24th/25th work will begin to widen the pavement from the Cheese Shop to Nellie’s Keepsake Co. This will involve temporary traffic lights outside Nellie’s onto Victoria St below the yellow box (outside Patten Principle). I estimate approx 2 weeks for this work dependent on any issues arising.


I will advise specific dates for the following as we get to them:

The next two phases will involve widening the pavements from the Library to Reef & Co.  This will see road narrowing as has been seen before on Huddersfield Rd,  the disconnection of the main traffic lights and temporary lights.

Then widening of pavements on the south corner of Victoria St - Charlie’s Bar to Piccolino’s Car Park are to be widened.  Road narrowing as above

This may cause traffic flow issues and make turning into and out of Victoria Street very tight for large vehicles.  Reynolds will have a Traffic Management Officer on site to monitor and respond.