Holmfirth Junior Infant and Nursery School

Curriculum Vision


The purpose of any curriculum should be to:

  • To promote the wellbeing of each individual, essential for the value of self, family, environment and diversity
  • To provide a route to opportunity, enabling pupils to respond positively to challenges of rapidly changing world.

The role of the school is:

  • To promote spiritual, cultural, moral and social development, for wellbeing.
  • To promote learning and achievement, for opportunity.

We believe that there are key skills:

  • For wellbeing, they are: confidentiality, integrity, empathy, responsibility.
  • For opportunity, they are: communication, application of number, Information Technology, working with others, improving own performance, problem solving.

We also believe that there are key thinking skills, which consist of: Analysing, Deducing, Evaluating, Predicting, Problem solving and Summarising.

We will aim to promote and encourage these skills and principles by:

  • Developing trust, a sense of duty, honesty, applying moral codes and forging community links, for wellbeing.
  • Developing information processing skills, reasoning, enquiry, creative thinking and evaluation, for opportunity.


Our intentions are that there are:

  • Opportunities for everyone to feel ‘clever’ or ‘expert.’
  • Opportunities for everyone to feel ‘worthy’, inside and outside the classroom.
  • Opportunities for everyone to experience positive self-esteem.

In order to achieve these intentions, we will follow Kagan teaching principles.

Kagan techniques will support our intent for wellbeing by:

  • Being part of a team.
  • A sense of belonging.
  • The use of praise to develop confidence.
  • An appreciation of what others offer.
  • Learning from each other.
  • Class building activities.

Kagan techniques will support our intent for opportunity by:

  • Equal voice.
  • A responsibility to listen, engage and present.
  • Development of confidence – learning together before learning independently.
  • Development of risk – everyone has to do everything.
  • Emphasis upon success of every individual.

Following staff discussion, we highlighted four key values which we believe should be at the heart of learning and be at the heart of our curriculum. Those ‘drivers’ are:

  1. Communication
  2. Collaboration
  3. Curiosity
  4. Creativity

We believe that the 4C principles will enable pupils to function successfully within a diverse and constantly changing world, developing their sense of identity and their understanding of community and citizenship.

British Values and our own 4C values are interwoven through the whole curriculum. Although within the PSHE curriculum, there is much scope for exploration, the values appear within every curriculum subject. In addition, the values underpin class and whole school behaviour codes.