
Year 5 pupils are enjoying their local tour. When I caught up with them, the pupils were just about to take refreshment at Bloc, after listening to a very interesting talk at Fair Trader.

KS1 & KS2 SATS information for parents

The DfE has produced a booklet for the parents of children in Years 2 and 6 who will be taking their SATS this year.  Click on the link below for more information


In addition to this there are 2 video’s which explain what SATS are and how they will be delivered.  If you have any questions please speak to your childs’ teachers.

Video links

KS1 SATS –  https://youtu.be/cuXJidYP7-0

KS2 SATS –  https://youtu.be/xBVHlF1SvNk





Year 1 pupils are learning about the Christian practice of baptism and christening. Rev Griffin introduced the pupils to two people who had recently gone through this experience.